Tag: Tendai
Reflections on the Konponchudo and Practice
The Konponchūdō (根本中堂) is the main structure at Enryakuji, the head temple of the Japanese Tendai school of Buddhism located on Mt. Hiei. Literally translated, it means something along the lines of, “Central Hall of the Root [Teaching]”. The formal name of the structure is Ichijōshikanin (一乘止觀院), which translates as “Samatha and Vipasyana of the…
I take refuge in the Three Jewels of the Whole Mountain of Hieizan. Many tourists visit Enryakuji, the head temple of the Tendai sect located on Mt. Hiei to the northeast of Kyoto every year. For many, it is a peaceful detour away from the throngs who fill the streets of the ancient capital year…